

Without a Trace: Whereabouts of Beagle 2 Remain a Mystery 

Without a Trace: Whereabouts of Beagle 2 Remain a Mystery: "Gone without a trace. The British-built Beagle 2 lander remains lost in action after attempting a landing on Mars late last year. The probe was ejected from the European Space Agency?s Mars Express Orbiter now circling the red planet.
A Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) high-resolution view of the Beagle 2 landing area was released January 30. Malin Space Science Systems of San Diego, operator of the MOC, issued the search imagery.

Within a close up image of Isidis Planitia -- the December 25 landing zone of the Beagle 2 -- there is no obvious sign of Beagle 2 -- but the photo only covers a fraction of the area in which the probe might have landed. "

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